Hi guys seb here, in this post I'm Gunna be talking about the game borderlands. If you want to check it out go to our youtube channel where me and my friend Laz did a let's play of the game. We stopped very early in the game as we realized that the game is extremely glitchy.
Which brings me to the review of the game. Borderlands is a FPS games set on pandora a ghost town kind of planet were the locals are pretty much just massive hillbilly's. The game itself is fun to play and the range of weapons is amazing. Each gun is randomly generated with it's own unique stats. It's is calculated that the game contains about 3 billion different kinds of guns. The games storyline however is quite repeatitive. You are looking for the vault which is an alien vault which contains alien technology. The game has 50 levels, which you progress through like any other rpg game. However, at about level 30 you finish the game and then you start again from the start, with all your gear from the previous play through. Only difference is the mobs are your level now. When the finish the game a second time you are level 50 or close to it. You then have the choice to play the game through again, but this time everything is level 50 and they are all bad asses, which is like borderlands version of a elite unit.
-this game is very fun to play through the first time.
-large variety of guns and missions
-this game is very buggy and multiplayer doesnt work out of the box, you must fix yourself.
-storyline is reatitive and first play through is very short.
Overall I would give this game a 6.5/10
Wow, Borderlands sounds like a great game, I can't wait to play. I have always been a big fan of 2k games like Bioshock, especially since the story lines are so intriguing. I will definitely put this at the top of my Blockbuster queue list so I can get it as soon as possible. I like that I can rent games and movies all for the same price with Blockbuster. As a DISH Network customer/employee, it's easy to get bored of TV, so Blockbuster Movie Pass does a great job to change things up. Blockbuster is definitely better than Netflix, especially since Netflix is losing a lot of content along with their contract with Starz.