Thursday, 21 April 2011

Spore review + lets play

hey everyone seb here doing a review on Spore a game by maxis. I also have the DLC Spore: galactic adventures which i will be doing a lets play on as soon as i get to the space age in my spore game. Spore is basically a game where you are a cell in a meteor which hits a planet, which releases all the cells into the ocean. You must then eat food and gain new parts for your creature. Eventually you evolve legs and you go to land. The game then follows your evolution all the way until you reach the space age, which is when you explore the universe of spore. With the galactic adventures DLC the game becomes like a RPG were you can land on alien worlds and create alliances or start intergalactic wars. you gain points which you can use to customize your space captain.

The game is very fun to play, but it can become repetitive at times. The amount of customization available for your creatures makes the game extremely fun to play. The way the game goes through ages, from cells to tribal to modern cities to space, it is very fun. When you venture out to space you can terra-form planets and create new colonies throughout the universe.

-large variety of customization
-very large universe to explore
-sporepedia allows for users to share their creations
-very fun mini games in DLC

-can get repetitive when in space age
-can be complex at times
-can be buggy, but not very often.

overall this game is very fun to play and if your out for a laugh and just wanna have some fun then this game is for you.

Saturday, 16 April 2011

Borderlands review + let's play

Hi guys seb here, in this post I'm Gunna be talking about the game borderlands. If you want to check it out go to our youtube channel where me and my friend Laz did a let's play of the game. We stopped very early in the game as we realized that the game is extremely glitchy.

Which brings me to the review of the game. Borderlands is a FPS games set on pandora a ghost town kind of planet were the locals are pretty much just massive hillbilly's. The game itself is fun to play and the range of weapons is amazing. Each gun is randomly generated with it's own unique stats. It's is calculated that the game contains about 3 billion different kinds of guns. The games storyline however is quite repeatitive. You are looking for the vault which is an alien vault which contains alien technology. The game has 50 levels, which you progress through like any other rpg game. However, at about level 30 you finish the game and then you start again from the start, with all your gear from the previous play through. Only difference is the mobs are your level now. When the finish the game a second time you are level 50 or close to it. You then have the choice to play the game through again, but this time everything is level 50 and they are all bad asses, which is like borderlands version of a elite unit.

-this game is very fun to play through the first time.
-large variety of guns and missions

-this game is very buggy and multiplayer doesnt work out of the box, you must fix yourself.
-storyline is reatitive and first play through is very short.

Overall I would give this game a 6.5/10

Thursday, 14 April 2011

New Member

Hello, I'm Vincent whom Erin talked about last week.
A few things about my videos:
- I'll be making videos on browser-based flash/Java games, as well as Minecraft
- My videos are going to be a tad grainy due to compression
- You will hear the faint tapping of my keyboard because I'm using a webcam mike on the table as opposed to a headset.
~ Vincent

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Minecraft let's play series

hey guys seb and Erin here. We have decided that we are gunna make a lets play for minecraft. We filmed the first 3 episodes today, but Erin being Erin still hasn't uploaded them all. So keep bugging him and they should be up soon. Also anyone know were i can get a good .AVI to .MP4 file converter, any help would be appreciated

Monday, 11 April 2011

Minecraft plane mod

here are some pictures of my minecraft plane mod. my aiport and its runway, aswell as a picture of me dropping a small bomb on a hill.

Wednesday, 6 April 2011


Just created a twitter account:
Check out what's happening there so you can check out the instant action.
Follow us.

New Member - Vincent

Hey there Erin here,
recently, a new person has come to help put in The Stoned Dragons. He will only be working on and off and will probably be a great part of the team. His name is Vincent and be sure to check out future blog posts my him as well as his videos.

- Erin

Game Review - Crysis 2

Sequel to the critically acclaimed Crysis, Crytek has returned with an amazing fps game. Utilizing the CryEngine 3 to create the stunning landscape and environment that Crysis had become famous for, the player becomes engulfed in the atmosphere.
A great mixture of stealth attacks and rushing provides for intense gameplay that surprisingly exceeds the common six hour limit for campaigns in fps games.
Multiplayer is also incredible with a juicy blend of tactics with all out fighting. there are a number of extra components in the gameplay that makes it even better such as the dogtags which reduce camping.
- Awesome graphics and seemingly non-linear gameplay
- Great balance in energy levels
- Creative storyline
- Clever use of tactics
- Some worse computers may have trouble running it
- Hit detection is not the best but is still quite good
- Involves too much coordination of equipment sometimes.
Summing up, Crysis 2 is an awesome sequel to one of the most acclaimed pc games in history.

- Erin